Pat O'Bannon
Henrico County
Board of Supervisors (Retired)
Check menu (upper left corner) or scroll down for information about the Dillon Rule and other topics.
Emergency Notification System
Sign up for the Henrico County Community Emergency Notification System, and Henrico will deliver information directly to your phone via text, call, and email when there’s a critical incident. The Emergency Notification System is one of many tools — like social media and media releases — that Henrico County public safety officials use to keep the community informed during emergency situations. Follow the link to sign up and learn more about how the Emergency Notification System helps to keep the community informed.
Henrico County Environmental Programs (2023)
Since 2013, Henrico County has been serious about environmental sustainability and the preservation and protection of our natural resources. Below is a quick summary of our environmental efforts and outcomes for the past decade. We have provided specific data related to our renewable and alternative energy projects:
- 22 LEED-certified buildings ("LEED" stands for Leadership Excellence in Environmental Design. Many of Henrico's buildings are Gold or Silver.)
- 6 rooftop solar systems saving the taxpayers millions by using a private-public partnership - and more are on the way
- Restored 15,000 feet of streams all throughout the County to improve water
quality and cut down on pollutants
- Conserved more than 2,000 acres of historic, rural, and riverfront land in eastern Henrico (you heard about that)
- Expanded the mass transit routes – the largest in GRTC’s history - to cut down
on commuter trips. Henrico is the largest consumer of Bus service in the region.
- Developed 20 miles of sidewalk and 67 miles of trails and bike lanes
- Expanded our recycling program by delivering 95-gallon recycling carts to the 90,000 households that receive curbside recycling with Central Virginia Waste Management Authority.
Energy-Specific Information
- Solar Systems
SOLAR POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT – with Sun Tribe Solar. Sun Tribe builds and maintains the solar facilities. Henrico receives lease payment and other return-on-investment.
• Libbie Mill Library - $154,000 projected savings
• Mental Health East Center - $313,000 projected savings
• Public Safety Building - $56,000 projected savings
• Tucker High School - $426,000 projected savings
• Highland Springs High School - $422,000 projected savings
• Holladay Elementary School - $56,000 projected savings
• Fairfield Area Library - $267,000 projected savings
• Recreation & Parks Main Office - $99,000 projected savings
• Glen Allen High School - $733,000 projected savings
• Harvie Elementary School - $464,000 projected savings
• Holman Middle School - $298,000 projected savings
• Kaechele Elementary School - $360,000 projected savings
• Colonial Trail Elementary School - $280,000 projected savings
• Eastern Henrico Recreation Center - $258,000 projected savings
• Hermitage Advanced Career Education Center - $358,000 projected savings
• Academy at Virginia Randolph - $407,000 projected savings
• Springfield Landfill - $659,000 projected savings
• Nine Mile Road Landfill - $3,144,000 (30 Years) lease payments
❖ Savings Projected Over Life of Projects:
➢ Round 1 = $467,000
➢ Round 2 = $1,015,000
➢ Round 3 = $2,502,000
➢ Round 4 = $1,023,000
➢ Other = $659,000
*Approx. $5.6 Million Projected Savings over 25 years and $3.1 Million in Lease
Payments over 30 years.
Methane/Gas Combustion at Springfield Landfill
The Springfield Road Landfill ceased accepting waste, was capped, and closed
in 2014. While the landfill is still in a Post-Closure Care Period, it continues to
produce landfill gas (methane) which is collected and beneficially used. Since
2010 the landfill has produced over 3B SCF (standard cubic feet) of gas or about
61M pounds of methane, which has been collected and beneficially used at the
on-site Gas to Energy Plant. The on-site Energy Plant has utilized the gas
produced from the landfill to generate over 140,000 MWh (Megawatt hours) of
electricity. DPU anticipates renewing the contract with the Gas to Energy Plant
when the initial term concludes July 2024. (The company that won the bid happens to be based in Henrico!)
Biogas at Water Reclamation Facility (WRF)
The Water Reclamation Facility produces approximately 12M SCF (standard
cubic feet) of biogas monthly from the wastewater treatment process. Biogas is
the byproduct of the degradation of organic waste in the treatment process and
contains approximately 60% methane. Some of the biogas is reused for heating
in the treatment process (approximately 3M SCF monthly) while the rest
(approximately 9M SCF monthly) is flared off. The Department of Public Utilities is working to beneficially reuse the excess biogas and turn it into energy for use at the facility or put it back on the electrical grid. DPU is working with the same vendor who has a similar system at the Springfield Landfill. DPU hopes to have this project online in the near future.
Information compiled by County Manager's Chief-of-Staff, Cari Tretina
Tuckahoe Town Meeting
Henrico's RECAP Program & Who Do I Call First?
Recorded: Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023
Tuckahoe Library, 1901 Starling Drive
Tuckahoe Supervisor Pat O'Bannon and Henrico's Finance Department discussed the Real Estate CAP Program (RECAP), which will cap the real estate tax bills of qualifying homeowners. Also, staff and Mrs. O'Bannon took questions and shared feedback on topics.
Watch on You Tube
Send questions to:
Tuckahoe Town Meeting
Recorded: Thursday, September 21, 2023
Topic: Safety All Around!
Tuckahoe Supervisor Pat O'Bannon invited Director of Internal Audit Vaughan Crawley to explain his role for the county. Also, Public Works discussed the current sidewalk and crosswalk projects - and the pedestrian safety campaign.
Recorded: Tuckahoe Town Meeting
Thursday, December 1, 2022
TOPIC: Planning and Zoning
Tuckahoe Supervisor Pat O'Bannon and Tuckahoe District Planning Commissioner Greg Baka discussed the planning process and current development projects in the Tuckahoe district.
To view on YouTube:
Recorded: Tuckahoe Town Meeting
Recorded :
Thursday, October 27, 2022
Topic: Preparing for Probates
Tuckahoe Supervisor Pat O’Bannon invited speaker Circuit Court Clerk Heidi Barshinger to share how to prepare wills and probates. Learn how to navigate the probate process before you and your family experience a difficult loss.
Recorded: Tuckahoe Town Meeting
Freedom of Information Requests &
Internships in Henrico County General Government
Recorded on Thursday, May 26, 2022
Join Supervisor Pat O’Bannon for a taped discussion of the Freedom of Information Act in Virginia and Henrico County. Megan Rhyne with the Virginia Coalition for Open Government discussed “Sunshine” laws and how to request information. Also participating was Cari Tretina, Manager’s Chief of Staff, sharing county specifics for making a FOIA request. Tretina will also talked about the county’s many Internship Programs for high school, college and graduate students.
Go to:
It's an APP!
Download the New Henrico County APP for easier access to anything 'Henrico'
The Henrico County APP makes it easy to engage with and get information about Henrico's government. You can check upcoming events and recent news, receive important notices, find information on parks and government locations, and contact departments and agencies. The mobile app is available for both Android and IOS devices, at the Apple App and Google Play stores. Learn more here -
Information also is available at
Want to know MORE about the Opioid epidemic, and
How to Talk to your Children?
Operation Prevention ( - partnership between the DEA and Discovery Education. It's an educational program for middle and high school classrooms that aims to educate students, using science, about the impact of drugs.
Get Smart About Drugs (parental resource) - (
Get the Facts About Drugs (youth resource) - (
Drug Abuse Resistance Education program. (
Partnership at Drug Free ( - provides information for parents on teen prescription drug abuse
And of course, the DEA's website is a good resource as well -
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where can I see the Board of Supervisors' video-streamed online? -- (You may need to download special software.)
How do I learn about the zoning process?
Where can I find information about proffers on past zoning cases?
My neighbor won't cut his grass... My neighbor has an inoperable vehicle in the front yard... Who do I call for help with Community Maintenance?
What is the Dillon Rule and how does it impact the way the county is run?
Where is the county's animal shelter?
Where or how do I register to vote?
How do I get help with a problem of Domestic Violence?
I am retired and/or disabled. How do I get a discount on my taxes through the R.E.A.P. program?
Disabled Veterans can apply for real estate tax exemption
Henrico County is urging disabled veterans who own their principal residence in the county to apply for recently implemented real estate tax exemption. Virginia voters adopted a constitutional amendment in the general election directing the General Assembly to provide a tax exemption for a retired service person with 100 percent service-related, permanent and total disability, as determined by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
The exemption applies to: principal residence and up to 10 acres; veteran or surviving spouse (if the veteran's death occurs on or after Jan. 1, 2011); and does not require re-filing each year.
Unlike Henrico's Real Estate Advantage Program (REAP), there are no income or financial requirements for disabled veterans seeking the tax exemption. In addition, there is no cap on the amount of relief you will receive.
For more information, contact Henrico's Revenue Division at 501-4263, or log onto
This Web site is not paid for by Henrico County.
It is paid for, authorized by and maintained by Pat O'Bannon.
Content copyright 2025. All rights reserved.